Monday, July 14, 2008

Ride My Pimp

Would you like some liquer-filled chocolates?

Coco is always posing for car magazines. Well, those and men's magazines that cater to Sir Mix-a-Lot sympathizers. But in this photo we see Coco letting Ice have center stage in the auto photo shoot, sitting on the hood of his Mercedes. First I thought, whoah, the Mercedes is a nice car, but not one that I would necessarily consider Gangsta with a capital G. More like "Investa" or "Stock Broka."

But most Mercedes don't have those flip-up doors straight out of the factory. Obviously Ice has had his ride pimped the fuck out! We can't really see what other features this car has that are decidely hood, but I know my man Ice has good taste. He married the fabulous Nicole Austin, after all!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Hallux Camelus

We haven't seen any obvious Coco Toe for awhile. I figured I should refresh your minds just so you didn't start wondering if maybe it was all a false memory--an illusion of youth like Santa Claus or honest politicians.

I'm fairly certain the photo below is from the same event? Ice's 50th Birthday Bash perhaps? Unfortunately, P. Diddy's event planner was unavailable that day, hence the choice of helium balloons as decor. As Ice looks down on his bride as she performs the Chicken Dance in honor of his special day, I can only imagine he's gazing in wonderment at those stiletto heels and her amazing ability to get low and still keep her balance on those things.