Monday, May 19, 2008

I wish I had more hands

So I could give those titties four thumbs UP.

Looks like Coco couldn't find a camisole to match. But you gotta work what you're workin' with, know what I'm sayin'? She really is generous with her nipple displays (shareolas). But as you know, an Iced Coco pic without Cocookie Nips is like Christmas without a drunken uncle making loud bigoted comments at the dinner table. It's kind of uncomfortable to witness, but you couldn't be sure you were in the right place without that element of familiarity.

As far as Ice's jacket, I thought the quilted look was in recently while I was shoe shopping. But some concerned souls told me these were hideous:

I returned them to the store, sadly. If I still had them, I'd mail them to Coco so she could complete the matching outfit look.

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