Sunday, May 11, 2008

My Girl Coco: Flesh a la Mesh

One of Coco's greatest and most unique talents is being naked and wearing clothes at the same time. Mesh/netting facilitates this effect quite well, which is why half of her wardrobe consists of it.

A huge part of fashion is dressing for the occasion, and so figuring out where Coco is in each picture factors into the critique. This time, it appears she's attending a pimps and hos someone's mom's basement. The paisley couch and low-grade berber carpet remind me of many a party in high school. Ice isn't present here, but if it's the type of party I mentioned, it's fitting Coco be ho-in' it up. But she chose quite the pimp to be her suitor! That pantsuit looks like its made of fine Asian silk, and his pimp cup is glamorous, but subtle enough to have a touch of class.

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