Thursday, May 1, 2008

Spot the DD cup in this picture

Now before you go hating, let's cut Senor T some slack. What 50 year-old man doesn't have a little moob action going on? Yes, there are a few geriatrics who are psycho about fitness and pass me multiple times on the track at the park, but they have nothing else to do but run all day. Ice is very busy with his L&O filming schedule, choosing between the pimp fedora or the Yankees ballcap to wear to the red carpet event of the evening, and getting his rat tail re-braided. There is simply no time to hit the gym!

Meanwhile, back in our photo du jour, Coco is rocking what appears to be a Wicked Weasel bikini. I'm a little surprised she's risking tanlines by wearing a suit at all. But apparently she needed a cool refreshing dip after a chemical peel went terribly wrong. Maybe later, Ice will help her out with a salty face rinse to speed up the healing.

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